Mastering Door Etiquette: Teaching Your Dog to Stay Put

1.  Start Indoors in a Controlled Environment:

Begin your training sessions indoors where there are minimal distractions. Choose a quiet room with few temptations. Have your dog on a leash and in a sitting position.

2. Introduce the Command:
Use a clear and consistent verbal cue such as “stay” or “wait.” Pair the command with a hand signal, like an open palm facing your dog. Reinforce the cue by gently holding the leash to prevent them from moving forward.

3. Reward for Compliance:

    As soon as you give the command, reward your dog for staying put. Use treats or verbal praise to reinforce the desired behavior. Start with short durations of staying and gradually increase the time as your dog becomes more proficient.

    4. Practice Consistently:

      Consistency is key to successful training. Practice the stay command regularly, gradually increasing the difficulty level by adding distractions or moving to different locations within your home.

      5. Transition to the Doorway:

        Once your dog reliably stays indoors, it’s time to move to the doorway. Begin with the door closed and repeat the same steps as indoors. Use the leash to prevent your dog from rushing towards the door.
        6.  Open the Door Gradually:

        Slowly open the door while maintaining your dog’s attention. If they attempt to move towards the door, calmly close it and reset. Reward them for staying put despite the door’s movement.

        7. Reinforce Safety Measures:

          Emphasize safety by incorporating the stay command into everyday routines. Make it a habit to ask your dog to stay before opening any door, whether it’s the front door, car door, or crate door.

          8. Be Patient and Persistent:

            Remember, training takes time and patience. Every dog learns at their own pace, so be patient and consistent in your approach. Celebrate small victories and remain persistent in your efforts.

            Teaching your dog to stay when you’re opening the door is a valuable skill that enhances safety and promotes good behavior. By following these steps and dedicating time to consistent training, you’ll soon have a well-behaved companion who waits patiently for your cue before venturing through any doorway. With practice and positive reinforcement, you and your dog can master door etiquette together.

            As always, if you have a question on training your dog, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!


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